nullI find it hard to believe that July 1st is here and we enter the heart of the summer season!  Yates Engineering Services (YES) would like to give you a brief update on the growth of our company.  YES is nearing the completion of our 4th year of designing, building and supporting fiber network deployments.  Though we are very focused on our niche of providing Fiber to the Premise funding, design, and construction management, we invite you to explore some of our custom fiber consulting work that is a growing part of our business! 

Our website has been updated with new information regarding our consulting experience, and we are committed to increasing the number of photos and projects in our project gallery and keeping our information fresh.  YES is very interested in partnering with your business, whether you are a potential client, or a fellow vendor that serves our mutual client base.  The staff at Yates Engineering Services is excited to see the increase in fiber network builds, from the increased needs of fast bandwidth to cell towers, the interest in saving operation dollars with Smart Grid, or the involvement of communities and towns as an active participant in supporting the deployment of high-speed internet access in their area.  As much as YES employees tend to evangelize fiber networks, our staff also enjoys working with Telco clients to optimize the speeds of their legacy copper networks, and plan for a more economical migration to future fiber deployments!  Enjoy summer this week and stop in to browse the Yates Engineering Services website!